Monday, April 2, 2012

A Longing for.......

A new addition to our family, a puppy! I never thought after losing our beloved Abigail Rose, that I'd want or think of wanting a new puppy, but the past few weeks, that's all I've been thinking about. I can't get the idea out of my head. I've even had dreams about our Abby and a new puppy. Abby tells me it's ok to get a new puppy and that she will always remain in our hearts.
It is so strange to hear the door bell ring and not hear a bark that goes along with it. Abby was a great "let me know when someone was coming" kind of dog. She was not a guard dog! She was so loving that we always joked that she'd go home with an intruder instead of protecting the house.
Our house is so quiet now, we have 2 sweet cats, but that don't bark at certain noises, they actually run when the door bell rings! They were both stray kitties that found our home and they have been great additions to our family, one is 9 and the other is 2 1/2, but there is nothing better than to have your dog come over lay her head on your lap and just look up at you asking you to pet her head!
We are looking for a smaller puppy than our golden retriever was, and I've had my eyes on a cockapoo. A friend from church adoption a Goldendoodle from Carriage House Cockapoo and she said they are a great breeder. NO PUPPY MILL!
I'm hoping that by the end of the week we will have filled out an application and made a deposit on a new puppy...wish us luck!
-Blessings & Peace, Kathy

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